About the Organization
Fratria was formed two years ago on the initiative of the most active red-white firms and unions. Since that time, pretty many things have been pan out. We got over the way that the identical on a scale fan unions do for a definitely longer period of time (more than 10 years). Undoubtedly there were some mistakes, but, as they say: he who makes no mistakes, makes nothing.
During Fratria`s lifetime, there were plenty of different gossips and legends, myths and tattles. But the abundance of the inner gossips did not influence greatly on the situation inside the union. Despite the fact there were some insignificant discords, there were no questions and problems we were unable to discuss and solve.
The other days there was a comprehensive conversation among the leaders of all our firms, unions and the old-school fans. The most important result was to prove the solidarity in thoughts and actions. Absolutely everything is done inside and around our stands, must be done cooperatively. FC "Spartak” has a huge army of supporters and the equal power will never appear in our country. Sure enough it is next to impossible to find such a decision, such words that may suit everyone. But we will sincerely try to find and we will find the optimal variant, we will do our best to make every single red-white voice be heard. You should understand the main thing: everything that we do is done for the benefit of our team "Spartak” Moscow. We want our team as well as our stands to be the unified whole, unique organism irrespective of anything. Step by step we achieve the agreement in all the pivotal questions, learn to regulate some points at use. Fratria is a living organism, it develops and grows.
We truly wish that more and more people will join us. We want them to be imbued with the genius of Spartak, with a strong belief in themselves, their friends and their favorite team.
Now on our sectors there are several initiative groups (IG), which participate in preparing and realizing the stands` performance. They are a part of Fratria as well as all the large firms and unions. But no one sets oneself up separately, everybody tries to anticipate the cause consistently and tight-knit.
At this date they are:Sector B5: AGS
Sector B6: B6 United
Sector B7: Gals2ki and G7
Sector B2: B2AK
Being on these sectors, downside you can see the small but united groups. Join us, let`s make our support more organized and colorful together. We need your help both on the level of the real actions and useful advice. We sincerely hope that in the following season we will be able to increase the quantity of involved sectors, for more responsive and well-formed organization of our team support.
Fratria is not just a separate firm or a local band... Fratria is a real MOVEMENT. Its motion vector shows us only one direction-frontwards. Everything was presented on our initial page, on behalf of Fratria, must be treated as the official position of the most active red-white fans. Every necessary decision and announcement had been considered and discussed several times, before it appeared here. We will seriously set face against every instigator who will try to force us into any gambles. We will maintain our attitude concerning all the questions about our beloved club. Besides, we are against all the games of politics and such actions inside or outside the stadium. Our unique faith, religion and policy is SPARTAK MOSCOW!!!